Custom Design and Manufacturing Capacity
Jan 29,2013

Our Design Center helps customers think with a green and compact approach. We take oversized and over engineered packages and redesign them to become more efficient; we help our clients reduce cost in an environmentally friendly way.

Our team stays up to date with the latest in design trends to help clients envision their products using state-of-the-art packaging solutions that protect their products and their brand.

Using the space saving properties of advanced Polyethylene Foam Plank, our team of engineers and packaging experts can design a better performing and more compact package. Also, clients can choose from a broad range of colours and density to customize their packaging to suit their needs.

All of our products exceed standards and have an outstanding performance rating in the ASTM Standard.  Clients can use our products to save time and money. We have tools that allow clients to see how our packaging solutions will perform for their products in real-world applications.

Our clients' products are protected by high compression resilience, excellent tensile strength and tear resistance.